Riverstone Networks Corner

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

snmp counters on multiple vlans within a trunk

daniel maresch recently asked a question on the mailing list about snmp monitoring of vlans.

this is a problem for the riverstones... they can really only monitor traffic counters per-port. when you monitor a vlan, the rs gives you the physical port's values. if you think this isn't working correctly... you're right. and yes, it can be frustrating.

normally what i have had to do is find where the vlans break out onto their own individual ports (maybe somewhere else on the network) and monitor those physical ports.

the tac guys said long ago that this wasn't a pressing issue for them, and that they had other issues to fix ahead of this one... it was about 2 years ago, so maybe a more current ros image has this issue fixed, but judging from daniel's question, it probably hasn't been.


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